My Environmental Bucket List

There are so many good things to do for the environment that I promptly forget about once I log out of Pinterest, so I thought, why not make a list and write them all down? This is my environmental bucket list!! Keep an eye out, because I will keep adding to this list as I think of more ideas! If you have any others on your list, let me know!

My Environmental Bucket List

1. Sign up to clean the beaches
2. Pick up garbage on the side of the road
3. Recycle
4. Volunteer with green peace
5. Refuse single use plastics
6. Plant a tree
7. Always use live plants instead of fake
8. Buy local
9. Watch more documentaries
10. Read 5 books about the environment
11. Use solar energy
12. Keep the A/C off when not at home
13. Bike to work
14. Plant a garden
15. Compost
16. Celebrate earth day every year with my kids
17. Use glass bottles instead of plastic
18. Make my own cleaners
19. Make my own clothes
20. Use florescent bulbs instead of incandescent
21. Recycle electronics
22. Only use reusable grocery bags
23. Go paperless (bills, mail, etc)
24. Buy second-hand first (thrift stores, apps, craigslist)
25. Use matches instead of lighters
26. Always use e-tickets instead of printable
27. Use rechargeable batteries
28. Go on a humanitarian trip oversees
29. Get my dog to be zero-waste


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